East Coker 0.2 after T.S. Eliot’s second poem from Four Quartets by Jack Young. Commissioned by OSR Projects as part of Od Arts Festival – Still and still moving 2023.
About the author
Jack Young is a writer and socially-engaged artist living in Bristol. He writes hybrid work exploring land justice, queer ecologies and hauntings of landscape and archive, and his debut chapbook URTH was published by Big White Shed in 2022. He also co-hosts the literary podcast Tender Buttons in partnership with Storysmith Bookshop. As an educator, he works with young people using arts-based critical pedagogy, applied theatre and creative writing to explore themes ranging from fabulist approaches to reanimating the gaps and silences in historical archives, to queer ecologies and speculative fiction. He has worked with community spaces and cultural institutions in Barcelona, London and Bristol including MACBA, Institut Broggi, the Royal Academy, Horseman Museum, Tate, Gasworks, Spike Island, UWE Bristol, Acta Theatre and Artspace Lifespace.
East Coker 0.2 after T.S. Eliot’s second poem from Four Quartets by Jack Young. Commissioned by OSR Projects as part of Od Arts Festival – Still and still moving 2023
ISBN 978 1 9998225 2 1