A mixed media image including the mucky insides of an electronic device, a globe and a line drawing of a hand clutching a phone



Wednesday 2 June, 7-8.30pm


Join artist Duncan Poulton for a virtual workshop which offers an introduction to techniques for mining and misusing the web for creative reuse. Attendees will learn to delve deep into the internet to find images which have been lost and or hidden by search engines, and have a hands-on demonstration of how to make their own digital collages from the materials they gather.

The workshop will be delivered using the open-source image editing software GIMP. If you want to follow along with the workshop, please download GIMP in advance here: https://www.gimp.org

Important information

If the cost of attending this event is a barrier, please email info@odartsfestival.co.uk and we will be happy to offer you a free place, no questions asked.